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Carburettor Base Gasket, 1- 1/2” SU
Carburettor Dashpot Spring, Red Band
Standard spring for all HS2 and HS4 on Mini’s except for the 997/998 Cooper from 1964-9 and H4 special tuning carbs which used AUC4587.
Carburettor Jet Bearing Kit, 1-1/2″ SU Carburettor
1 set per Carburettor
Carburettor Spanner Kit to Replace Float Bowl Needle & Seat.
Includes 1 x Tube Spanner, 2 x Open Ended Spanners for adjusting Mixture/Jet
Choke Cable Barrel Screw, Cable to Carby
The screw that locks the cable on the ADU9102 genuine heater valve bolted to the cylinder head.
This is the choke screw that holds the inner choke cable to the choke mechanism, fits ALL SU carbies either twin or single
Choke Lever, Twin Carby Cooper S, RH
This is the right hand linkage lever that sits on the rods between HS type twin carbs.
Sold individually
Chrome Blanking Plug 3/4″, Left & Right Hand Doors
Fitted on the inside of the doors to conceal the screw in the door handle.
Repair kit for brake & clutch master cylinder with 0.75″ bore.
Suits Mini 1985 on and MGB 1968 – 1980
Clutch Master Cylinder Repair Kit, 0.75″
Suit Tin & Australian Made Plastic tank type
For pre 1985 models which had one cap type seal and one ring type seal.